Tony of Tony & Sandy died last week of as quick heart attack while walking from his wind surfer up to his trailer on the beach. Go to La Ventana
for photos of Tony, his friends and life here in La Baja. He is missed by all.
Everything is still going well here. We had the competition for windsurfing, kiting and paddle boarding last weekend and I had volunteered to help with the beer booth but wound up walking around with another guy with two galvanized pails full of canned beer and selling it to the crowd. It was fun being the shill and trying to spot a likely customer. On Saturday, they had the Luche Libre style of Mexican wrestling. Sort of an overacted WWF with costumes and egging the crowd on. At the end, they had a greased pig competition with one kiter, one windsurfer and a local Mexican trying to catch the pig, and return to an old couch that had been set up. The Mexi didn't quite get the rules and after catching the pig, he flung it over the heads of some bystanders in the direction of the couch, but he missed and the pig bounced off of the hard packed dirt. I big Ooohhh from the crowd and Suzy, the MC quickly announced that no animals were injured during the making of this event. It reminded several of us old timers of the WKRP turkey drop.
Then we had the volleyball three person competition on Monday and Tuesday mornings. We start at 8 am and go till the wind comes up around 10 or 11. One guy on my team had pulled a muscle windsurfing on Monday afternoon, so we didn't do to well on Tuesday. I think we came in 4th or fifth out of ten teams. The two person competition starts in the morning and I am playing with the guy that I first camped next to 13 years ago.
Noel, the buddy from Prescott that is loaning me the bike in Sweden should get back from the main land this week after picking up another of his bikes in Guadalajara and taking the ferry back to here. So I have sort of been looking after his girlfriend who stayed here. Fun stuff like emptying their black water and changing over the propane tank. He and I are also planning on riding down to San Miguel de Allende in March for a BMW bike rally.
Joe,I think we had planned on doing Texas early because I wanted to go to Sweden in May, but that got pushed off to June 19th. So I have from Dogwood til its time to pack up in mid June. I want to take the Vixen down to Cave Creek sometime in May and see if that may be where my next wintering place is. It is getting crowded and noisy down here with a lot of development going on.
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