I stopped in Commerce and spent the evening with David and Betina Zavanut and left on Saturday with them to drive up to Oklahoma where there were going to camp and search for crystals. I continued on to Glenwood and spend the night in a hotel for a change from the Vixen. Sunday I met up with Joe in Helena and unloaded the bike and we headed south and camped at the confluence of the Arkansas and Mississippi Rivers. We thought the weather was heading away from us, but instead it came on with lightning, thunder, wind and rain which confined us to our tents early in the evening. Two miles south of us the wind took down quite a few limbs and trees and five miles north of us they had golf ball sized hail. So we got off lucky.
We rode around southeastern Ark
After visiting Mena and Queen Wilhelmina in the western part of the state, we arrived Wednesday evening at Mount Magazine resort and decided to spoil ourselves. We enjoyed an evening with a couple from Oklahoma city celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary.
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