Sunday, May 9, 2010


I've been here on Skopolos or five days, working my way towards Athens and a flight back on Wednesday. This is a tourist island also and I made friends with two women from Norway, Karina and Wencha (Ven-ka). We drank a lot of wine together, went to the beach a couple of times and hiked quite a bit, both to the beach and up in the mountains to the old monastaries. Out of the four monastaries we saw, one was locked up and looked empty but usable, one had been abandoned, one converted to a family home, and one that was run by a single nun who said at one time there were 30 nuns there. The Norwegians bought some small delicate lace doilies about the size of an open hand for 3 Euros. The nun had made them and we thought that they must have taken her at least a day to make them.
The boat is a hydrofoil that they call a flying dolphin. It is the only way to get from mainland Greece to this island and takes an hour and a half and costs 15 Euro.
The city curves around the bay with only a sidewalk, the main street and then one row of stores and restaurants before the buildings and lanes start climbing up the hill. Cars are only allowed on this main street and on the ring road that circles town. Pedestrians must share the narrow lanes with scooters and motorcycles. The fishermen come in and dock at the port and their customers drive up, jump out and buy their dinner. Fish are expensive here also.
The women and I were both staying at the Captain's Hotel. A real jolly and productive 63 year old that sailed the oceans and became a captain of a freighter, then retired here. He cruises the street by the port on his scooter and hustles customers. Yes, he is good at it and enjoys his business.

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