This is my living room for my trailer. I spend a lot of quality time here reading or playing anagrams with friends. The tree is full of woodpeckers, doves, finches, humming birds and LGBs. Local food includes homemade tamales for $1 and dried bouganvilla leaves which are used to make the jamaica drink.
We took a day trip to Sol del Mayo, a government sponsored Eco spot run by locals. The pond was 25 feet deep and the jump for Travis was 40 feet. Another woman dove off! I took the photo. The interior of Travis's school bus. He had previously changed out all of the side windows, installed the stove and the floor. I helped him with the side paneling and varnishing. We picked up some used car seats from the junk yard and had new mounts made for them and bolted them in. The old driver's seat was very uncomfortable.