It seems to have been too long of a winter and a slow start to Spring, but it is finally here. So on the road again. This spring, I had classes in sculpture and in Air Brush Painting and Oakley & Liseanne, Rebecca and Dan and I went to Maui for a week in March. We all returned to Charleston in April for the annual Dogwood Azalea/Reunion. I finished up the fountain in the front yard that Gary Mac and I had started on last fall.
I also started on a statue of Isis on the left of the front steps to the house. She is full size and is formed of concrete added a bit at a time with a rebar and chicken wire frame. There is currently 20 or so applications on her with another 20 to go.
I sold three motorcycles and bought two others, a Sportster that I leave on in the morning for Missouri and my 49th high school reunion. The class ahead of me is sponsoring the reunion, but needed to invite five classes to get enough people together for a party. There were nine in my class. The other motorcycle is an electric scooter to run around town on. It is surprising how fast and agile it is. It is a bit of a bother to plug it in when I get home every day.
I plan on taking the southern route through Dallas and Little Rock and avoid tornado alley.